Make Someone’s Season of Lights Even Brighter During this Season of Lights!

During this season of giving, I’m partnering with a group of family and friends this year to raise funds for families in need. Best Christmas Ever is an organization we’ve identified that provides families who have fallen on hard times, outside of their control, with gifts for the family and financial assistance that goes wellContinue reading “Make Someone’s Season of Lights Even Brighter During this Season of Lights!”

Managing in the New Work Reality – Part Two

As we prepare for employees returning to the workplace, it will likely be a varied approach in that some employees will return to their workplace full-time, another group will remain on a remote work option and then there will be those that return to a blended, or what is commonly referred to as a hybridContinue reading “Managing in the New Work Reality – Part Two”

Building Manager Efficacy: Managing in the New Work Reality

Managing remote teams was a big transition for many organizations. It didn’t take managers long to increase their competence and confidence in this virtual work environment that we were thrown into on a global basis. Now, as I work with organizations in various states of return-to-work strategies, it’s important to critically evaluate how we canContinue reading “Building Manager Efficacy: Managing in the New Work Reality”

Do Athletes Wait for Annual Reviews to be Coached?

The answer is an emphatic no! While I’m admittedly not a sports enthusiast, even I know that in sports, where athletes make multi-millions of dollars, they are coached frequently. Most often, coaching occurs the minute the play is over and sometimes in the moment that the play is being executed. Now I’m not condoning yellingContinue reading “Do Athletes Wait for Annual Reviews to be Coached?”

Acquiring & Retaining Key Talent – The Argument for the Ultimate Employee Experience

With the employment arena heating up and the war for talent becoming more intense, it is more critical than ever before to ensure that we are doing everything possible to entice employees to join the organization and once there, to stay and enjoy a long career. While progressive benefits packages are a given with theContinue reading “Acquiring & Retaining Key Talent – The Argument for the Ultimate Employee Experience”

Are Your Employees in it for the Long-Term? Retention Strategies that Withstand the Test of Time…and Value

Recognizing that women are leaving corporate work environments at record numbers, it’s important for leaders to focus on retention strategies that engage all employees and deliver what they want, not what has been done in the past. I think of the leadership book by Marshall Goldsmith, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”, whereContinue reading “Are Your Employees in it for the Long-Term? Retention Strategies that Withstand the Test of Time…and Value”

2021 – Just When You Thought You Could Sleep at Night: What’s on the Legislative Docket and Business Strategies to Consider

In the wake of the U.S. Presidential Inauguration this week, it’s a good time to consider the potential legislative impacts to our businesses. Considering these impacts early in the year allows you time and resource allocation (or perhaps reallocation) to optimize the positive impacts to your business and reduce the negative ones. Whether you haveContinue reading “2021 – Just When You Thought You Could Sleep at Night: What’s on the Legislative Docket and Business Strategies to Consider”

Losing key talent…does it keep you awake at night?

Recruiting talent in this climate has its challenges, don’t lose new hires by not establishing and maintaining solid relationships. Even though the candidate may have just accepted, use the time before they start to start connecting. By reaching out to check in with them, gifting them company logo items, taking time to personalize their workspaceContinue reading “Losing key talent…does it keep you awake at night?”

2021 Challenge: Keeping Key Talent

While retaining talent has been a recurring theme for many companies across several years, it has never been more critical than now. The recent release of the “Women in the Workplace 2020” report by McKinsey and LeanIn identified that one in four women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to Covid-19.Continue reading “2021 Challenge: Keeping Key Talent”

Inclusion Before Diversity

With the increase in focus on equality and inclusion, many employers are struggling to ensure that their Diversity programs are meaningful and beneficial to the organization. Attracting and retaining talent in today’s climate is critical. Here are a few tips to focus your attention on areas that will exponentially raise the caliber of your programsContinue reading “Inclusion Before Diversity”